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I'm hoping that Hormel's Canned Beef Corned -- what an awkward name -- will be much better than
Hormel's Lean Smoked Ham, which I reviewed earlier. Hormel is a huge corporation with many products, and it is virtually impossible to walk through a grocery store and not see one of their products. Hopefully Hormel's Canned Beef Corned will redeem Hormel.
Upon opening I smell a scent that is similar to canned dog food, not good so far! the canned beef comes out in one large, slimy can-shaped hunk which is obviously chopped bits of beef formed into a loaf. The meat keeps its form well and is easy to slice into thin slices. I suppose this can be fairly presentable if cut into slices.
Meat Obelisks |
The mouth feel is somewhat mushy after it yields to the initial bite. The taste of sodium phosphates and sodium nitrites is very powerful and allows the product to imitate traditional corned beef to some extent. However, the fact that this is a formed patty made out of processed beef and pumped with preservatives means that the taste and texture are only a poor imitation of real corned beef. Furthermore, all the phosphates and nitrites in this product aren't too good for your health.
I sliced this up and fried it along with a riced potato to make some corned beef hash that wasn't bad. The taste of Hormel's Canned Beef Corned is much better after browning on a skillet. I give this
two and one half obelisks of meat out of five. Not good nor bad, but rather just an average canned meat product.
At least the cat loved it.